Monday, January 12, 2009

New Blog Title

Thank you, thank you, thank you to my friend Diane at Spreading Seeds for the amazing new blog title photo banner she made for me today. She did it as a surprise and sent it to me. My mouth dropped nearly to the floor. Within the photo, I can see each of my children, my son, Brandon, with his wife, Brittany, and kids, Calvin, Kavian and Braylyn, my son, Tyler and his girlfriend, Christi, and one of his famous football carries,our daughter, Marissa, and Grandpa Dave with the twins, my precious brothers and sisters and Mom, and me with that beautiful granddaughter of mine!!! It took a while for me to notice everything in the collage, but in the background, there is an iris and some pansies, from my mama's garden, and the backdrop I painted for a photography studio last summer. Diane, you are amazing. You are such a gift to me. Check hers out too. She made one for herself today too! Now, if I could just get back into my CutestBlogontheBlock website and make everything match. I did it once, but when I tried to change it, I lost it and can't get it back! (sounds like me I am talking about!)I play around so much, and that is fun, but frustrating when it doesn't work out the best and I can't figure out how to fix it. Anybody have any free background sites they use?

Diane's Title Banner


Anonymous said...

It's beautiful!!! A life collage :)

Jennifer @ said...

This is incredible, Carol!

janelle said...

I love it!

Billy Coffey said...

Love this, Carol. Very appropriate for you!

Diane Johnson said...

It was my pleasure Carol.
I wish it fit the top of the banner better. I made it the same size as mine to fit my minima template. If I can resize it somehow for you let me know.

Hepburn Hilton said...

Hi! Delurking back :) I love the name. It's like the quote I posted yesterday at my blog, "love and happiness is only a choice away". Words to live by, really.
