Ok, so it is "Wordless Wednesday", and I tried that if you want to scroll down and check out my last post, but if any of you know me.....I have way too much to say some days, and today is one of those days.
Today is payday, the one day of the month I can actually say I like teaching (just kidding. I love it).
Today was snowday #4. We are having a wedding in June. I hope we will be out of school by then!
I cleaned, I cooked, I scrapbooked, I ventured out to the mailbox and downtown to the post office, I watched Dr. Oz and only one movie today.
Oh, and our puppy died today.Sammi- a beautiful, strong, healthy little girl puppy suffered the consequence of going onto the road. We have always taught our children that lesson. Sammi did not know.
A nice young man came to the house and said he was sorry, but he just couldn't stop his pickup-too much ice on the road.
Sammi's life ended today, just 4 months after it began. Again with the...."if any of you know me", the tears began to flow, and they flowed and flowed and flowed all afternoon and evening.
Marissa and I made the trip from the house to the road with a big towel, petted Sammi one last time, had our little time over her, then wrapped her up, just like a baby, and placed her in the back of the van to bring her home one last time.
I received the nicest comments on facebook after I posted a "Sammi" album, and then there were phonecalls from my kids. "Are you and Marissa OK? Call me if you need anything or need to talk or anything" and "Kavian is crying and he wants to talk to you".
I knew how sad our grandsons would be. We had big plans for that farm dog. I don't have any very recent pictures, but I would guess she had at least doubled or tripled in size since we got her in November. We were going to play with her this summer and run around the farm with her. Braylyn is just starting to talk. She was a bit wary of this running full speed bundle of energy called Sammi, but if she was held safely at a distance, she would stick out her little hand and maybe sometimes touch her, but say simply, "Sammi, Sammi, Sammi" over and over and over. She will not understand.

I am so sorry, Sammi...sorry I was not there to keep you safe.
I am so sorry, boys...sorry Sammi could not stay with us longer.
I am so sorry, Kelly...sorry I lost one of your brood. Kelly is my friend who trusted us to take Sammi home....she was one of 8 puppies.
I am so sorry, Marissa....sorry you lost another puppy.

I talked to Kavian.
"What happened to Sammi?"
I said "It's OK. Sammi went to live with Jesus today."
He, in his 5 year old wisdom said, as he always does when he hears of a death, "With Grandma Nichols and Grandpa Jim and Grandpa George and Uncle Ryan?"
I said, "Yes, that is right."
"Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."
John 20:29I have tried to explain heaven.
I have tried to explain what happens when someone dies.
I have tried to explain that when the body dies, the heart goes to be with Jesus.
I have tried to explain that when someone is sick or hurt and they go to live with Jesus, they are not sick or hurt anymore.
Grandpa George can walk.
Grandma Nichols does not have cancer.
Grandpa Jim can breathe just fine now without carrying his oxygen tank around.
Sammi does not have to live outside in the cold and be hungry 24 hours a day!
Sammi is with them now.
That is enough for a 5 year old.
I am not sure I understand myself, but I will continue giving my life lessons the best I can.
I have also told the boys that when they see a big star in the sky, brightly twinkling, it is Grandpa George saying "Hi" and Grandma Nichols saying "Hi".
We go through the list of names of those that they know who have passed away...too many for 5 years, and pick out a star and wave and wave and wave.
We say, "Hi Grandma Nichols, Hi Grandpa George, Hi Uncle Ryan, Hi Grandpa Jim"!
Now we will add to our list and wave and say, "Hi Sammi!"
Life Lessons- Amazing