We were there to be His hands and His feet.
I met a woman with 8 children and 18 grandchildren and 34 great grandchildren, yet she came for a meal and perhaps some company as she was all alone.
I met a man who walked 40 minutes for this hot meal. His only form of transportation is a bicycle, but he lives on an upper floor and his bike is too heavy to carry up and down, so he walks.
I met a man who had been badly injured in a motorcycle accident but just kept on keeping on.
I met a family, new to town, with 5 precious babies, the smallest just 8 days old, no home, no food, but big smiles and excitement at starting school soon, and hope with a new job.
I met a volunteer who called each of the "regulars" by name, down on their luck, but most with big smiles for the greeters.
I met so many people tonight. I didn't get to know all their names, but He knows.
He knows each and every one of them. He knows that they can come here to be fed.
We wore name tags so the guests could call us by name. Some really searched out that name tag and would carefully say....."Thank You, Carol"! I collected the names at the end of the night to write them on my heart. What a wonderful group of Christian friends I have! I know their names, and name tag or not, He knows my name.
He said, "Carol, I need you to help tonight"
He knows my heart.
He knew it would be a blessing for me.
He knows my every thought.
He knew I was not busy tonight
He hears me when I call.
He heard our prayers to allow us to be of service.
He calls me His own.
He said, "You are mine"
He'll never leave me, no matter where I go.
He called me to be His hands and feet, He gently nudged me, I answered, and I am the one who was fed tonight! Amazing!
Carol, the Holy Spirit does not convict to shame you.
Take heart, friend. God knows what He intends you to do. He is not a demanding Master... Rest in Him now, on His grace.