Monday, September 27, 2010

He Knows My Name

We were there to be His hands and His feet.

I met a woman with 8 children and 18 grandchildren and 34 great grandchildren, yet she came for a meal and perhaps some company as she was all alone.

I met a man who walked 40 minutes for this hot meal. His only form of transportation is a bicycle, but he lives on an upper floor and his bike is too heavy to carry up and down, so he walks.

I met a man who had been badly injured in a motorcycle accident but just kept on keeping on.

I met a family, new to town, with 5 precious babies, the smallest just 8 days old, no home, no food, but big smiles and excitement at starting school soon, and hope with a new job.

I met a volunteer who called each of the "regulars" by name, down on their luck, but most with big smiles for the greeters.

I met so many people tonight. I didn't get to know all their names, but He knows.

He knows each and every one of them. He knows that they can come here to be fed.

We wore name tags so the guests could call us by name. Some really searched out that name tag and would carefully say....."Thank You, Carol"! I collected the names at the end of the night to write them on my heart. What a wonderful group of Christian friends I have! I know their names, and name tag or not, He knows my name.

He said, "Carol, I need you to help tonight"

He knows my heart.

He knew it would be a blessing for me.

He knows my every thought.

He knew I was not busy tonight

He hears me when I call.

He heard our prayers to allow us to be of service.

He calls me His own.

He said, "You are mine"

He'll never leave me, no matter where I go.

He called me to be His hands and feet, He gently nudged me, I answered, and I am the one who was fed tonight! Amazing!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

New Friends

Blogger said...

Hi Carol,
So nice to meet you at my blog. My husband is from the midwest--Minnesota. I know you may have a lot of blue out there but you also have abundant green--which we lack in the desert. God paints different colors in different places. Unique just like you.
The Lord is gracious and He offers us many opportunities to be thoughtful. Praise God that He is reaching out to encourage us, not to condemn us. Only the enemy does that--and we get fooled into playing his ugly game.

Know that the Lord delights in you Psalm 37:23&24



Kelly said...

Carol, the Holy Spirit does not convict to shame you.

Take heart, friend. God knows what He intends you to do. He is not a demanding Master... Rest in Him now, on His grace. Another Kelly walks beside me on this journey always, sharing the promise that "Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of Joy" from Psalm 126:5 Jennifer is there encouraging me and 'praying me through" She tells us in her stories that "He took me as I was, but promised He’d never leave me that way. I am an imperfect pilgrim, clinging to a perfect God who loves me anyway."

Janelle said: "It is because of the Lord's mercy and loving-kindness that we are not consumed, because His [tender] compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great and abundant is Your stability and faithfulness." Lamentations 3:22-23

I agree with Kelly; our God is not a God of shame ~ and you Carol, are a kind, beautiful, thoughtful and caring person!

How very wonderful to have new friends, as well as old friends telling me that I have not messed up so much that God is going to give up on me.

The Holy Spirit does not wish to convict me or shame me.
God is not a demanding Master.
The Lord is gracious.
God gives me rest when needed.
God is reaching out to encourage me, not condemn me.
The Lord delights in me!!!!!

I am having a much better week, thanks to lots of prayers, a restful weekend and God's amazing wonderful grace which allows me mistakes, forgiveness and the strength to begin again with a new attitude and a reminder of that joy I search for!

I found something about joy in one of my blog searchings and I can't remember who I got it from. If it is YOU, please let me know in a comment so I can give you the credit! I added, subtracted and changed it up, but it tells my story.

Sometimes joy makes a wet trail down my cheek. Sometimes it curls upward in a grin or bursts into a giggle. Sometimes it fills my heart making me feel blessed inside, and sometimes my heart is filled to overflowing and it comes out in a song.

Check out "God gave the song" sung by Sandi Patty on YouTube! It is quite amazing!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Opportunities Missed

Sunday School hit me pretty hard today.

Dan was moved to tears.

I was moved to shame.

I had a particularly rough week and I failed in this commandment.

"Be devoted to one another.
Honor one another above yourselves." Romans 12:10
"Never miss the opportunity to be kind."
"That day never comes again."
"That opportunity never comes again."
"As you go through life, look out not always in."

I have this stack of unsent cards.
I failed to bring a gift to a friend.
I have not visited the sick.
I planned to bring a meal.
All the good intentions did not always get done.

This week, I have gotten angry instead of showing kindness.

All I can do now is ask for fogiveness and ask for strength to begin again.

Do not let these "opportunities missed" weigh on your heart and mind.

Pick up the phone, send a note or email, give a smile, give a hug...

Take the opportunity to be kind.

Try kindness and you will see...eventually it comes back to you!

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Meet my friend Cheryl-
I am sure you can just about guess what has gone on in her life...but there she is, being a wife, a mother, a helper, and a good friend to others.

I received a gift from Cheryl yesterday.
It is a very, very special gift to me.
Cheryl knows my heart and my mission.
It tells me that I am making a difference.
If I can make a difference to someone, I am successful.
If I can help someone, I am successful.
If I can provide JOY to someone, I am successful.
Using my gifts, providing is what I am called to do

All I did was snap a few pictures.....

record a few moments......

give Cheryl the photos she wished for...

help record the memories....

allow her to enjoy being a mom, to enjoy the moments, while I snapped.

The picture of usually quiet, usually reserved father and husband engaged in full toothed smile....priceless.

Providing JOY, one day at a time-

Nehemiah 8:10 - Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is sacred to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the
JOY of the LORD is your strength.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

No Sweeter Name

I have been in tears and in prayer and in song for weeks. When in despair, the tears come, and the songs come. My friend Shelly introduced me to Kari Jobe. Listen to "Revelation Song", listen to "The More I Seek You", listen to "Take My Life", listen to "You are Good", listen to "We Cry Out", listen to "No Sweeter Name"...she is annointed, gifted and giving her gift to God!

Give attention to the sound of my cry,
my King and my God,
for to you do I pray.

Psalm 5:2

Singing and praying, singing and praying, singing and praying without ceasing!!

Pray with me and for me! Jennifer prayed to God over the cell phone. Jenn prayed right there through FaceBook. Janet and Trish provided much needed hugs. Suzi cries when I cry. Beth prays that she will be right there in the path of someone who needs her. I did. She was. Doctors hug me and say we will be fine. Nurses tell me not to worry. Melissa, the vet, felt my pain at saying goodbye. Pam provides ears and more prayers. I ran to my friend Sandy, to share my fears, and talked without taking a breath to Elaine. Lindsey and Amy and Penny tell me I am an awesome mom and grandma. Doug and Kent listen. Kim offers many prayers. Mary and Jodi share my tears. My church prays on behalf of our whole family.

Still...fear creeps in....but there is No Sweeter Name when we cry out!

No Sweeter Name...sung by Kari Jobe

No sweeter name than the name of Jesus
No sweet name have I ever known
No sweeter name than the name of Jesus

No sweeter name than the name of Jesus
No sweet name have I ever known
No sweeter name than the name of Jesus

You are the light to my heart and soul
You are the light to the darkness around me
You are the hope to the hopeless and broken
You are the only truth and the way.

No sweeter name than the name of Jesus
No sweet name have I ever known
No sweeter name than the name of Jesus

-I am so sorry, LUCY

Friday, September 3, 2010

My Sisters, My Friends

l to r- Ginny, Kristy, Mom, Linda, Carol, Susan
"Good friends are we, my sisters and me!"

Linda- helper, healer, "little mother", friend-

Susie- long distance companion, FB lifeline, beauty consultant, friend-
Ginny - helper, healer, peace maker, host, friend-
Kristy - joy, voice of youth, eternal optimist, friend
There's my Linda, always looking after the little ones!
l to r-Susan,Ginny, Carol, Linda, Kristy
20 years ago-
l to r-Carol, Linda, Kristy, Susan, Ginny
I have an enormous circle of friends and I am so very blessed!

I have my school friends, my church friends, my high school friends, my college friends, my neighbor friends, my community friends, my email and facebook friends, and I even have my blogger friends!

While I do not wish to diminish the importance of all of these friends, I do have this amazing, incredible circle of lifelong friends.
We grew up together, we ate together, we slept together, we wept together, we went to school and church together, we sang together, we played together, we prayed together, we stayed together in plenty and in want. We are together still, and although miles may separate us, and the busyness of our lives keeps us going in all directions, we are always together in heart, mind and strength. We are so blessed to come together as often as we can and have the special times we call our "sisters parties". We always included Mom as one of the sisters, and there is a great void when we come together, but we always remember to give thanks to Mom for giving us this incredible blessing and teaching us about love and family and forever.

My Sisters.....My Friends-
I am blessed to call you mine.
I love you forever!