Sunday, August 10, 2008


Add another first to my list....I painted my first backdrops for a photographer friend of mine. Go see her in Rock Valley at Expressions by Sandy. She is amazing, her work is amazing and she was a student of mine once upon a time. Anyway, she asked if I could do this and I said I could. Now, imagine me trying to roll the paint on, use a brush (too slow),a hose to keep the paint moist (too much water). I tried to hang the canvas....too big...too heavy...I actually LOOKED like I had tried to apply the paint by rolling around in it. The lighter one, I thought I should paint the entire thing a cream color....hence the cream colored rectangle that was in my yard for a great part of the summer. Anyway, another experience, it was fun (when it was over). Anyone who knows me, knows I have to step back and see my work from a distance, so, I hung it on my deck, I hung it over Dave's Jeep and rolled the window up on it to keep it from blowing away. I got sunburnt and had a stiff back and neck (better, thanks to Michele at Larchwood Chiropractic). I haven't seen Sandy's work with these backdrops, but knowing her, I am sure she made my work look great.

I bunched it up and tried to imagine how it might look in an actual setting. I used Mr. Squirrel and my bench as subject matter to get a mental picture. Thanks for believing in me, Sandy lol. I never really had any official "painting shoes". ALL my shoes have paint on them. Guess I do now! Marissa loves to edit pics. This one says, "Being an artist is not the same thing as being a little kid. Little children try to color inside the lines, artists do not"!

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